Monday, 9 September 2013
Monday, 17 June 2013
Speaking of an online business...
Hey, so as one of the topics of this blog is running an online business, I was really pleased when a follower emailed me with their newly launched online business where people can buy specialist and rare monopoly game board tokens that are for sale. Apparently it's just launched, so it's still in progress but they could really do with the support of their fellow readers. Check it out at:
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Your weekend challenges...
So, here are your challenges for this particularly rainy weekend:
1. Learn to roll a coin over your fingers. We've all seen it on Pirates of the Caribbean etc. and you might even have a friend who can do it. Give it a go, I mastered it in about 15 minutes!
2. So, what's next? Challenge number 3 is to make a cake. Whatever your opinions about baking, everyone loves cake! Here's an easy but tasty recipe:

3. Try to buy something with the intention of selling it for a profit. Don't worry, the first part isn't hard! It is an interesting thing to do and if you get the right thing(s) you can make more money from a few hours work than you would in a few months at McDonalds.
Well, there are your wet weekend challenges. Enjoy!
Friday, 17 May 2013
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
An alternative to F in Exams
Well, sorry there have bee ZERO posts of the F in Exams funny exam question answers this week, they just haven't been very funny. However I have found a temporary substitute for today that I think's probably even funnier:
Just imagine doing this stuff! Much more fun than homework! I think I'll try number four, perhaps in a crowded lift so nobody can escape their confusion. In other news, I hope any of you who did a GCSE Catering exam this morning or a GCSE French one the other day did all right without wasting too much time revising.
Monday, 13 May 2013
How to Make Hundreds of Pounds Easily with Vintage Star Wars Figures!
Hundreds of pounds easily? That sounds too good to be true! That's probably thinking right now but don't worry, I'm not a Nigerian businessman who can tell you the secret to unlimited wealth if you just send me a £3000 deposit. No, I've just got a fair bit of selling experience on Amazon
, so I've come across a few things that sell really well. One of them is vintage Star Wars toys and figures, these beauties really can and do make me hundreds, sometimes thousands in profit in each swoop. These things generally sell on eBay for up to £100, but wait, before you rush to buy them, please be very aware. There are lots of scams selling supposedly "Vintage" Star Wars figures on Amazon. I don't recommend buying Vintage Star Wars Figures on eBay because these conmen can disappear instantly without a trace as soon as they've got your money, sending you some cheap rip-off product that you're then stuck with. It has happened to me! Don't do it! Is it really worth risking your hard earned money on something that may vanish when there is a much better and safer alternative.
You want to hear it??? How to make hundreds of pounds safely with barely any risk? Of course you do! So, here's how I do it. We're dealing with products that only have one or two sellers offering it because the huge opportunity is pretty unrealised. So, those sellers can charge whatever they like, and people pay it because there's almost zero competition. Now this is a golden opportunity for you. If there are two other sellers, you could either hope to get hold of one very cheaply (which is great but doesn't happen very often), or you could do what I do. Provided there's a big enough gap between the two prices (there usually is when there are only a couple of sellers offering a particular vintage figure) you can buy out the lower competition's item and then charge anything up to the higher price offered for it when you re-sell it back on Amazon.
If you want an example, visit this Vintage Star Wars Boba Fett Slave 1 Ship Listing
My company (Hinson Enterprises) is selling it at the lower of the two prices. Depending on when you read this, if it appears I'm not selling it it's because this strategy works so unbelievably well. Say, for example, you bought the product off me for the lower price, there would then be no competition on any price up to £225 (the other seller's price at time of writing), so you could resell it for anything up to that, making just under £100 profit. Now you're really getting interested. Remember, don't be tempted to buy off eBay, although I do recommend real brick-and-mortar auctions, because I've been conned several times by the lure of a slightly greater profit and trust me, it's not worth it, Amazon has incredibly good buyer protection.
If you'd like to know a couple more products that have worked for me time and time again, email me at : If you're interested in making money where I'm offering the lowest price, get in touch and I'll even knock a bit off for you, my precious reader!
If you'd like to know a couple more products that have worked for me time and time again, email me at : If you're interested in making money where I'm offering the lowest price, get in touch and I'll even knock a bit off for you, my precious reader!
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Bear Grylls Visits Cumbria Scout Camp 2013
As my regular readers know, I said I was going camping this weekend, at an Explorer Scout Camp in Cumbria. It did rain, in fact it hailed and was so windy that the huge inflatable assault course blew away and hit a coach parked nearby! Bear Grylls did visit though, he's the UK Chief Scout. He arrived in his helicopter (see very fuzzy photos taken on my mobile) and travelled around the camp in a sort of orange all-terrain Bay Rescue vehicle (again, see fuzzy photos). There he signed autographs (damn my absolute lack of any planning at all!) and mostly waved at people. You can check this on the Westmorland Gazette Website. It was raining for most so I'm not surprised that he flew off again about 2 hours later. Possibly more to follow on this story if I remember, but now I'm going to watch TV. Live long and prosper!
Friday, 10 May 2013
Your weekend Challenges...
Finally, I had my final GCSE French Lesson today! Both of my exams are on Monday, but I probably won't be posting over the weekend because I'm going camping instead of revising ... which would be great if it wasn't raining so much!
Anyway, your weekend challenges...
1. Have a fire. Okay, for some of you, this will be something you do all the time, but others might never have build one. I don't know, I'm definitely in the first category, do other people build as many fires? Anyway, if it isn't raining, and you fancy it, build a fire! You only need matches and some sort of fuel (I know what you're thinking ... Petrol! Yeah but not too much, newspaper works just as well) and sticks. Obviously don't build it next to a fireworks factory or anything, but have some fun!
2. Build some sort of catapult. If you're really lazy, just fire something from an elastic band at your brother. You might not believe me but you'll enjoy it.

3. Last but not least, try to get something for free. The great thing is that you don't even have to look away from your phone or laptop now. If you've seen the earlier post, just email a bunch of companies and give them each a genuine reason to send you something. Try it, you have absolutely nothing to lose!
Have fun!!!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
F in Exams Thursday 9th
Today's funny exam question answer. Check over the next few days for my special post on how to build a rocket launcher/water cannon instead of doing your homework.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
F in exams Wednesday 8th
Today's funny exam question answer. Okay, so they're not great, but if they even get a half-smile out of you, that's more than you'd get doing homework. So they're worth posting, right. Anyway, unlike the jokes on the back of penguin bars, they are actually different, so even if you don't laugh today, you won't get the same one tomorrow!
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Running your Amazon Business...
So, to be even more successful with your Amazon business, try thinking about the up-and -coming. In the last few weeks I've been mega successful selling Iron Man 1 & 2 Bluray Double Pack
on Amazon, people want to see them before they go to see Iron Man 3.
So yeah, just to give you some ideas, there's a new Monsters Inc. and a new Fast and Furious coming out in the next few months. Have a look on eBay and plan ahead. DVDs, film t-shirts & merchandise, toys, there'll be at least some demand for almost anything. I sadly understocked on Iron Man Blurays, the demand was incredible! Remember though, the great thing about an Amazon business is that it can be as big or small as you want it to be! Give it a go!
So yeah, just to give you some ideas, there's a new Monsters Inc. and a new Fast and Furious coming out in the next few months. Have a look on eBay and plan ahead. DVDs, film t-shirts & merchandise, toys, there'll be at least some demand for almost anything. I sadly understocked on Iron Man Blurays, the demand was incredible! Remember though, the great thing about an Amazon business is that it can be as big or small as you want it to be! Give it a go!
F in Exams Monday 6th
I expect you've all been enjoying the sunny bank holiday weather, and hopefully have managed some of your weekend challenges. Here's yesterday's funny exam question answer, definitely worth sharing!
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Your Weekend Challenges...
Firstly, sorry, I thought I'd posted this yesterday!
So, after your Russian speaking, card shuffling, moonwalking weekend last week, what to do for this long weekend bank holiday?
1. Climb a tree. So I heard on the radio earlier this week that the National Trust have chosen their best climbing tree in the whole country:
Whether you've climbed one yesterday or haven't done it for years, why not try it this weekend (don't pretend there aren't any "good" trees near to you ... I know there are!) Go on!
So, after your Russian speaking, card shuffling, moonwalking weekend last week, what to do for this long weekend bank holiday?
1. Climb a tree. So I heard on the radio earlier this week that the National Trust have chosen their best climbing tree in the whole country:
Whether you've climbed one yesterday or haven't done it for years, why not try it this weekend (don't pretend there aren't any "good" trees near to you ... I know there are!) Go on!
2. Learn to juggle. This challenge is fairly explanatory, if you can't do it, learn!
3. Finally, this last one takes a bit less time. Work out how many words you can type on your calculator using upside-down numbers (e.g. 0.1134 = Hello on most calculators) You must have done this one before, but get creative, more expensive calculators have other functions that will display actual letters. I spend most of my GCSE Maths lessons doing this. Enjoy!
Friday, 3 May 2013
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Ideas for your Amazon business...
So, if your not selling you family silver, where do you get stock to sell on at a profit? Well, as I've told you, my main source is eBay, but it does have its limitations. A site I have used to get new stock to sell on Amazon UK / Amazon Marketplace is Alibaba: This is a site where you can buy things direct from manufacturers around the world, mostly in China, India and the USA. It's great because it's cheap but they only sell some brands and sometimes there's a minimum order number. However I used this site to make a killing from table tennis bats last summer, you've got to make the most of chances while they're there! In other news, I handed in my last piece for GCSE English Language today, so that's finished. Yay!
Monday, 29 April 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Your Weekend Challenges ...
Okay, here's a few thing to try over this weekend which will either give you a cool party trick or at least make you laugh while you attempt them:
1. Perfect your Russian accent (I'm going to try to speak with a Russian accent all of tomorrow morning!)

2. Learn to Moonwalk like Michael Jackson. Watch this video if you're choosing this one:
1. Perfect your Russian accent (I'm going to try to speak with a Russian accent all of tomorrow morning!)
2. Learn to Moonwalk like Michael Jackson. Watch this video if you're choosing this one:
3. Learn to Shuffle Cards like a Pro. You've probably all watched in awe as someone makes cards seem to fly about while they shuffle them, now you can learn to do it too!
Go on, you know you want to try them! You could even try them all at once, you'll definitely get a laugh!
What a Great Friday!
I hope you readers have all had a good day (and you're reading this blog instead of doing work!). I did a GCSE French Written Controlled Assessment about an imaginary holiday and it was a breeze despite the only work I did at home for it was to read through it once! On top of that, when I got home my emails told me I'd sold some more Amazon stock (don't forget to try it out for yourself) so I've posted that off and made a hefty profit.
Anyway, for the rest of my three hours of French (I know, 3 hours!) I got hooked on this game:
P.S. Use the arrow keys and space bar to move and fire! Enjoy!
Embed Game
Anyway, for the rest of my three hours of French (I know, 3 hours!) I got hooked on this game:
P.S. Use the arrow keys and space bar to move and fire! Enjoy!
Embed Game
All the Free Stuff I've Been Sent in the Last Month...
Sorry I didn't post this yesterday, but here's the photo of all the free stuff I've been sent so far in April, just from sending a few emails (including the Nikon CoolPix S2700 Camera
I took the photo with)
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Get free stuff instead of doing homework!
Here's another thing I do in my spare time instead of homework, I get stuff for free! I only started doing this out of interest to see if any companies actually would send me something for free. I haven't perfected my technique yet by any means but I've managed to get some pretty good stuff. After I've written this I'll post a photo of all the stuff I've got for free, the best thing I've got won't be shown because I'll use it to take the photo, a Nikon CoolPix S2700. I got this by contacting my local electronics store.
Thought I should at least link to the Nikon CoolPix S2700 Camera
so you guys can check it out and realise how much you can get just by sending a few emails to the right people. I find that I have a better success rate if I point out what I'll do that'll benefit the company (e.g. mention on my blog! or even just showing your "brand loyalty") Surely it's worth trying? I found branded t-shirts the easiest thing to get hold of when I started. Find the PR company of a brand you like, then email them and ask for a t-shirt so you can show off their brand, add in anything that you can do that will benefit them (but remember ... you do actually have to do it, so don't promise to win the Tour de France if they send you some shoes!) I actually do this for most new things I want, and if it doesn't work for you, you won't have lost a penny!
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Pacman is so distracting from homework!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I went onto my laptop today to try to find an already written french script about my school ... but I got distracted. I figure that's good thing though because Pacman is much more interesting:
Monday, 22 April 2013
Don't get me wrong...
So, in other news, I handed in all of my GCSE Art Coursework today, so no more art for me ever again! Yipee! I didn't enjoy Art, so I didn't do a single piece of work for it at home or in my spare time. But please don't get me wrong, I still want a decent grade in it, this isn't a blog about failing school completely. I did as much work as I could in class time, so I was basically finished weeks ago. I just wanted to point out that I'm not planning to fail, leave school with a bunch of Fs and stack shelves for the rest of my life (although if you read my post about my
business, you know I'll be okay). I'm going to succeed, but not sacrifice my home life on the way to get a few pieces of paper that are useful, but not the be-all and end-all.
Anyway, here in sunny Great Britain, it's absolutely chucking it down. Surprised? So I'm going to start a piece of English coursework about texting tonight, maybe spend about half an hour doing it. If it's sunny where you live, do something outside, even if you don't normally.
Anyway, here in sunny Great Britain, it's absolutely chucking it down. Surprised? So I'm going to start a piece of English coursework about texting tonight, maybe spend about half an hour doing it. If it's sunny where you live, do something outside, even if you don't normally.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
My Amazon Business, How I Make £50 per Hour
Okay, I think it's time to tell you guys about one of the main things I spend my time doing instead of homework, I run an Amazon business. Some of you have probably gone already... but here's the thing, I make over £150 per month, sometimes over 3 times that, just buying things of Ebay and re-selling them on Amazon! That's like £50 an hour! I don't need a job at McDonalds, or cutting grass, or washing up. I make all that money from about 3 hours work on my computer per month.
I just started off by selling some of my old toys, I've now developed it into a more sustainable business where I buy in stuff to sell. I set it all up in less than 1 hour, and if I sold all of my current stock right now, I'd have over £2000 profit in my pocket. Two grand .... for a few hours work a month. Now you're listening! Just go to
and type in the name of something you've got that you want to sell. Don't be disappointed if the first thing you search for is worth nothing, I've found other things that are like gold dust! Then click "Sell Yours" on the right hand side, Amazon will take you from then. Surely it's worth a try... and much more profitable than homework! Do it now!
F in Exams
I'm going to post some of the funnier pages from my daily calendar from now, this one made me laugh. I might use it if I end up doing that maths paper haha!
Which would you choose?
So this morning when I woke up I had the choice of either a maths past paper or running up Winder, the hill behind my house. I chose Winder. A quick Google search told me that running (and yes, I did actually run) is great for your brain anyway cos it gets the blood flowing. So there, Mr Maths Teacher!
Friday, 19 April 2013
Don't waste your life doing homework!
As you may have gathered from the title of this post, I don't do all of my homework. I do some of it, probably about one third of the stuff that's set. I basically do enough so that I still get decent grades and don't get detentions. Seriously though, a lot of homework is a complete waste of time. You probably have at least one teacher that's forever setting homework that seems completely pointless and they can barely ever be bothered to mark it anyway. If they can't be bothered to do that, why should bother doing it?
I only do the work that fits in around my life. Just think, when it's over and you've finished school are you really going to look back and think "I wish I hadn't done all that awesome stuff, I wish I'd stayed at home and done my homework instead"? Cos I'm not! If you don't spend that hour doing homework, you may do one of the most important things in your whole life, you don't know what you could be missing! You might find a winning lottery ticket, save someone's life or have that incredible idea that changes your life forever. Or you could sit at a table and write out lines of answers to pointless questions. Your choice.
P.S. Don't choose the homework
Extra P.S. If you're reading this instead of doing homework, well done! Keep up the good work!
First Post
So, I've set up this blog instead of doing the homework I'm supposed to be doing. I have no idea what to right about, so we'll just see how it goes. If you're an alien reading this 500 years from now, please don't think that all humans spent their time writing stuff no-one would ever read. Thanks
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